Kamis, 09 Desember 2010

akper 2

The word "it's"

1. is a contraction of "it is"
2. is the possessive form of "it"
3. is the plural form of "it"
4. is the same as "its"
Select the correct sentence.

1. John is a carpenter.
2. John is an carpenter.
3. John is carpenter.

1. An outline of the main points of a text
2. A unit of logical thought
3. A single uninterrupted unit of spoken language
4. Ability to be silly
The word "WHOSE"

1. Means "to whom it belongs"
2. Is a contraction of "who is"
3. Is an abbreviation for "warehouse"
4. Is an intransitive verb.
What is the correct hyphenation for the word "EQUILIBRIUM"?

1. e-qui-li-brium
2. equi-li-bri-um
3. e-qui-lib-ri-um
4. eq-ui-lib-rium
The English suffix "-ly" as in the words "lovely" and "eternally"

1. Is used mainly for English nouns.
2. Is not a valid hyphenation point.
3. Indicates that the word is superlative.
4. Generally characterizes adverbs.
The word "SYNOPSIS" means

1. Secretion
2. Summary
3. Inflammation of the sinuses
4. Anesthesia
The prefixes "DI-", "TRI-", "TETRA-", and "PENTA-"

1. Are of Greek origin.
2. Refer to 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively.
3. Are multiplying prefixes.
4. All of the above.
The word "RHYME" is best described as

1. Repetition
2. Words having the same terminal sound
3. Words having the same initial sound
4. The metrical flow of sound
The words "ENSURE" and "INSURE"

1. Can be used interchangeably.
2. Both mean "to cover with insurance".
3. Both mean "to make certain"
4. Have opposite meanings.
Identify the sentence that has a pleonasm.

1. The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.
2. The rains had stopped.
3. The rain was very wet.
4. In the Amazon it rains often.
5. During the king's reign there was a lot of rain.
The word "CHRONIC"

1. Means "of long duration"
2. Is derived from the Latin word "chronicus", related to "time".
3. Is derived from the Greek word "khronos", related to "time".
4. All of the above.
Select the appropriate category to which the following words refer:

1. Animals
2. Vegetables
3. Minerals
4. Abstract concepts
The word "SINCERE"

1. Is derived from the Latin expression meaning "without wax".
2. Is a synonym of "erudite".
3. Refers to a person having "zero sins"
4. None of the above.
Select the ingredients to make vegetable soup

1. Potatoes, beef, and onions.
2. Macaroni, tomatoes, chicken, and peas.
3. Water, oregano, and mussels3.
4. Carrots, potatoes, water and spices.

Mr.Budy here are my emails

thanks Mr.budy . . . . .

facebook : www.facebook.dewi.s.fatimah.com

blogger   : www.dianhusada.dewisitifatimah.blogspot.com
ymail      : dewisiti_f@ymail.com

gmail      :dewisitifatimah@gmail.com

NIM : 09.013

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